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Import/Export Special Permission Required Commodity List to/from Mongolia across borders

Out from Mongolia and Across Borders

Research materials in relation to the mining and petroleum industry (drawings, maps, samples for drilling or minerals, geological reports, records on hard and soft discs, etc).
  • Special permission from the related Ministry
  • Commercial Invoice or Value List
  • Packing List
  • B/L for transportation (Transportation document)
Research materials in relation to defense, mapping, drawing materials, etc
  • Special permission from the Ministry of Defense
  • Commercial Invoice or Value List
  • Packing List
  • B/L for transportation (Transportation document)
Research materials, probes and samples originating from animal or raw plant products, etc
  • A description from the Ministry of Environment. Plant probes and samples need the description from the “Environmental Consortium”
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Transport document
  • Veterinary and quarantine certificate
Wild animals or plants in accordance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora /CITES/
  • CITES permission
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Transport document
  • Veterinary and quarantine certificate
The hunting, capture and killing of protected and endangered animals
  • Special permission from Ministry of Environment for hunting
  • Veterinary and quarantine certificate
  • CITES permission /in case if the hunt is belonging to attachments I, II/
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Transport document
Historical & Cultural unique or valuable items and remains, intellectual works, artwork or ethnographic, etc
  • Unique works
  • Antique
  • Artworks
  • License issued by the Ministry of Education & Culture/signed by the Minister/
  • Cultural Heritage License
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Transport document
Paleontology and archaeological findings, samples and probes
  • Permission from the Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Transport document
Mongolian Ger (tent)
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Transport document

Into Mongolia and Across Borders

Guns, bullets, firearms:
  • Imported by the Enterprises
  • Imported by a Mongolian citizen for personal use
  • For use by foreign hunters
  • Statement/description letter by General Police Office, State Intellectual Agency or Ministry of Defense/If tender bidding, including the definition from the related authority
  • General Police Office permission
  • Temporary permission from the General Police Office
Chemicals and dangerous cargo:
  • High level hazardous/toxic substances
  • Hazardous/dangerous substances
  • Ozone depleting substances or equipment containing such substances
  • Environmental Permission from the related Ministry
  • Related Government (city or province Governor) permission
  • National Ozone office
  • Statement by the State Specialized Agency of Mongolia
Radioactive elements, isotops
  • Radiation control agent statement
  • Statement by the State Specialized Agency of Mongolia
Human serum, donor blood, immunity related preparations, micro-organism culture, medicines, medications, diagnostic devices, re-agents, vaccines, medical equipment and tools, etc
  • Permission by the Health Ministry
  • Medicine and medical equipment import license
  • Statement by the State Specialized Agency of Mongolia
  • Certificate of Conformity
Precious metals, gem stones, gold
  • State examination for carat determination report
  • Royalty paid statement report from the General Tax Office
  • Certificate of Origin
All type of animal originated food products, animal husbandry and veterinary equipment and tools
  • Permission from the Agricultural Ministry or related authority
  • Statement by the State Specialized Agency of Mongolia
  • Certificate of Conformity
Traditional medicines
  • Statement by the State Specialized Agency of Mongolia
  • Quality Certificate
  • Certificate of Origin